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We have to smile now

my little boy-­embolism, my taste of Saturday

my tooth ache, my Poor Baby

sit down, the companies talking, one ­of­ those­ days

shush yourself, don’t think, we have to smile now

"hafta" sat-still

my little boy­-embolism, my little shrink-­goat

my little purple and enamoured

my little orange and ferocious

my dearheart, my dropdead

my toadstool & my Thanksgiving

my funeral your hearse, your black cup of coffee

your undone personality, come unto me a victim

we have to smile now

And I’ve only learned from the best, I only had to sat-still once for this to sink in, that if he loves you he’ll rape you and it’s in your best interest, the love I give you is damaged like my body, my oranges fade into yellows, my open sink becomes your washdrain and my eyelids contain dams of cumin seeds

and this damn rain does not seem to stop falling

and my toy soldier, my mountain climber, my private and rehearsed, the birthday cake you blew on, your insolent childhoods, the daughter of my father’s eye, the man who said “goddess” to every woman in every adult film, the plaything from your secrets, open and confused you cry out “cannons” my friend recently told me you hurt them bad & fast or bad & slow

I am the drawn­out Queen of Questioning the Emperor of Bad Feelings the Gatekeeper of Dreams That Never Happen the pusher of Forced Intimacy

my art says “love me”

my writing says “now love me more”

and my music is named “I am unloved”

and every raindrop that pursues me is burned straight off the face of the earth I think it is funny that we are dead and we still love.

Chelsea Jones is a musician and artist living in Kingsburg, California. She is a recent graduate of University of California, Santa Cruz with a degree in french horn performance and electronic music. Her work is upcoming in Noctua Review. She has been previously published in Abridged Magazine, Red Wheelbarrow Magazine, Chinquapin Magazine, Peel Magazine, and Gaia Magazine. More of her work can be found at

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