Summer on a Stick, I Love Lucy
Summer on a Stick
She had a champagne thirst, but I had a Mad Dog 20-20 budget, she had a t-bone steak appetite, but I had a grilled cheese bankroll
I almost won a trip to the Great Wall of China, but had a fear of flying, we were at the State Fair and she tried to eat all the stuff served on a stick
There was bacon, spaghetti, duck, sour kraut, salad, macaroni and cheese, beaver, python, bison, alligator, skunk, cougar, ostrich, kangaroo, eyeballs of all of the above, I told her all I wanted
“Was pussy on my stick” she said, “Cat?” I muttered some curse words under my breath and she got pissed
The yellow red sun chinned itself on the gray horizon, she had split in the night, I glanced in my closet all that was left was a bag full of right shoes
She’d taken me to the cleaners, I hoped She had listened and taken to heart, when I explained the great deception of mirrors, smoke, and life and how if you were
Ever arrested you should defecate and pee in their car and they would instantly release you on your own recognizance.
I Love Lucy
My name is Pancho
I work on a rancho
I earn $2.50 a day
I go home to Lucy
she gives me pussy
and takes my $2.50 away.

Catfish McDaris has been active in the small press world for 25 years. His biggest seller is Prying: with Jack Micheline and Charles Bukowski. He’s working in a wig shop in a high crime area of Milwaukee. His newest book is: