If there ever was a time for true oddhearts to rise everywhere in the world, it is now, it is now, it is now. The social and political situation is boiling on a pyre of stolen hypocrisies. It is as if we are living the old wives' tale where bloody bed linen were put out on Indian terraces to prove the chastity of the young brides.
It was important for The Odd Magazine to come back at such a time as a magic raven of dystopia to look around and claw back some sanity into faces and minds that have lost reason, balance, sensitivity and more importantly, courage and audacity.
I am proud to curate Oddity 14, by far one of the best and oddacious collections of alternate creativity from around the world:
Odd Feature by Mark Blickley and Amy Bassin
Odd Interview: Poet/Collagist Bruno Sourdin in conversation with Gary Cummiskey
Odd Photography by Md Moazzem Mostakim
Odd Poetry by Catfish McDaris, Chelsea Jones
and Devon Balwit
Odd Shorts by Leila Samarrai Mehdi and Zoltán Komor
Odd Videos by Henrik Aeshna
So dig right in and enjoy. Don't forget to support our movement. Share, leave comments and don't forget to keep resisting.
And always, stay odd!
Yours Oddly,
Sreemanti Sengupta
Odditor, The Odd Magazine