A Wary Onlooker


Four Women on a Hill

Masque of Colours
Michael Noonan is from Halifax, Yorkshire. Has had artworks published in literary journals in the US and UK, including, After the Pause, Utopia Science Fiction Magazine, and Noctivigant Press. His own painting can be seen on the cover of a volume of his short stories, entitled, SEVEN TALL TALES.
the visitor

Pere Sousa created the Merz Mail Factory in the 90's from which he has promoted various experimental poetry meetings, mail art exhibitions and the publishing of artistic publications. He has compiled the poetic production of historical avant-garde, especially Kurt Schwitters. He has participated in numerous recitals of phonetic poetry. Schwitters said that "all the material perceived by the eye is
appropriate for art, so all sounds found are appropriate for poetry",
and following this maxim has been creating texts to be recited as found poems. His visual work is at the crossroads between photomontage and collage. Editor of the mail art zine P.O.BOX (1994-1999) and 598 (2002-2019), now editing the website merzmail.net. He has recently published Illustrated
History of Dada. Photos found? photomontages? The true history of Dadaism.