Is it possible to make a new letter and put it in the alphabet? —Yahoo inquirer

At the beginning
of the phrase, it would have substance:
like a grape between your teeth or a stone
skipped across the lake at dusk.
It would lift off your lips
into the squirrel-shaped clouds.
Look up: dragonflies
are eating vowels above your head.
Your letter is a child carried up to bed.
She only pretends to be asleep.
Angeline Schellenberg’s Tell Them It Was Mozart (Brick Books, 2016), linked poems about raising children on the autism spectrum, won three Manitoba Book Awards and was a finalist for a ReLit Award. In 2019, she published three chapbooks and was nominated for The Pushcart Prize and Arc Poetry Magazine’s Poem of the Year. Angeline hosts Speaking Crow—Winnipeg’s longest-running poetry open mic series. Her recent title is the elegy collection Fields of Light and Stone (University of Alberta Press, 2020).
Starlings : In Absentia
Find a single starling if you can.
There used to be hundreds of them
roosting in the centres of our cities.
There used to be just as many
of them living in the countryside;
so many murmurations in the evening
sky. There used to be more than
a dozen or so in our backyard,
fighting over the odd, poorly
chosen, but well-meant, morsel
of bread. There used to be a couple
of them, whatever the weather,
perched upon the railings
outside our living room window.
I can no longer remember
when the last time was
that I actually saw one
in the flesh. We can still see
them on The Discovery Channel.
We can still hear their songs
as background music under-
neath the dulcit tones of David
Attenborough on the BBC. But if,
and when, you should ever
manage to see one; either in
someone's garden, on a fence
post at the side of a farmer's
field, or on a street corner
of any village, or town. Please,
just let me know because, on some
days, I have the strangest of feelings
that they may, already, be gone.

Gordon Meade is a Scottish poet based in the East Neuk of Fife. His tenth collection of poems, Zoospeak, a collaboration between himself and the Canadian photographer and animal activist, Jo-Anne McArthur, was published in 2020 by Enthusiastic Press in London. His next collection, In Transit, is due for publication in early 2022, also with Enthusiastic Press.
Небо серое.
В Париже зима.
Я живу на улице "де ла Форж Рояль",
в очень старой квартире.
Я рисовал на полу, стенах, двери.
Еще до того, как рисовал на своем теле.
Я пишу людям, что я
не знать,
но я провожу свои дни в одиночестве.
Это современность.
Но солнце в моем сердце.
Grey sky.
It's winter in Paris.
I live on rue de la Forge Royale,
in a very old apartment.
I have drawn on the floor, the walls, the doors.
Even before I painted on my body.
I write to people that I
dont know,
but I spend my days alone.
This is modernity.
But the sun is in my heart.

Ivan de Monbrison is a poet and artist living in Paris born in 1969 and affected by various types of mental disorders. He has already published a few poems in the past, in literary magazines and in chapbooks.
He has written and translated the poem above from Russian to English.
The Golden Crowned Kinglet
Today I want to be like you
wearing the sun on my head
and bars of gold in sudden wings.
I want to shatter the moment
flittering from branch to branch,
pausing to become a tiny Buddha
before being busy again. Seeing me
you curve so sharply away
like a meteor avoiding the Earth.
You always know what’s best for you.

Matthew James Friday is a British born writer and teacher. He has been published in numerous international journals, including, recently: Dawntreader (UK), The Dillydoun Review (USA), VerbalArt (India), and Lunch Ticket (USA). The micro-chapbooks All the Ways to Love, The Residents, Waters of Oregon and The Words Unsaid were published by the Origami Poems Project (USA). Read him here
why all this
fucking fuss
when i’m just
delayed dust?
yr dead to me too, regret
i didn’t hold
my father’s hand
when he died
i hadn’t said a word
to him in 8 years
i remember his fists
all too well
Rob Plath lives in New York with his cat Daisy. He does his best to stay out of trouble . He’s been publishing his work for about 28 years. See more about him at