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Alka-Artistic Quibble4-28×40.jpg

Artistic Quibble 4

Alka-Journeys intertwined1-mixed media on paper-.jpg

Journeys Intertwined

Alka-Meanderings-mixed media on paper-26x36in-2023.jpg


Content Note: 

Varied mediums trigger my imagination and coax me to explore myriad possibilities in my expression. Sometimes there’s even clogging of too many thoughts together, which can be of memories compiled side by side to each other, or even overlapping and merging at a few places. The mixed media lets them lose their identity and eidetic memory, which is so clear in mind, turning into a blurred yet complete expression.

The overlapping and intermingling becomes a part of visual representation. My thoughts are impregnated with profundity of space enriched with feelings, experiences and memories. My Artworks are like a pictorial diary to me, in a way, where each page reflects similar or varied thoughts and stimulates the imagination further. The elements have been selectively picked from wandering thoughts, peeping through the collage and installations. One can see precious keepsakes- letters which never go obsolete, painted, sealed, opened, dangling over with a thread, and with poetic discourses hanging to them. All these elements become supporting components to eachother.

The whole essence is to work the subject down to a form charged up with nostalgia and recollections, with day to day objects soothingly, lyrically mingling together, reflecting nostalgia, emotions and soulful connections.

Alka is an artist and art writer, researcher, educationist, and a widely published columnist, with a diverse career spanning teaching, e-learning projects with MHRD, and editorial work. An alum of the Government College of Art, Chandigarh (BFA) and Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (MFA, PhD), she has been recognised with numerous prestigious awards and honours. Alka is known for blurring boundaries between different mediums. Besides several national and international exhibitions and awards to her credit, she was the Jury of 63rd NEA Lalit Kala Academy, New Delhi.

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