“Exergues” from my manuscript The Tryst of Thetica Zorg for publication in Oddball Magazine. The Tryst of Thetica Zorg is Volume II of a posthuman series, which began with Volume I, The Rapture of Eddy Daemon (BlazeVOX, 2016). BlazeVOX will be publishing The Tryst of Thetica Zorg upon its completion in mid-2018, as well as the yet unnamed Volume III, anticipated in 2020.
The three volumes in this series are comprised of three nefarious computer viruses, each attacking their intended victims with a malware replete with prosody, agons and tropes. In The Rapture of Eddy Daemon, the computer virus “Eddy Daemon” attacks William Shakespeare’s 154 sonnets, infiltrating the sonnet form with advanced mathematics, genomics, trojan horse viruses, algorithms from the darknet, as well as bioengineered bots. In The Tryst of Thetica Zorg, the computer virus is this time, Thetica Zorg. Her intended target is the western canon of literature. In this manuscript, the actual malware code of a DDoS virus is embedded in each exergue.
Exergue LXI
MNC-I C2X HOCs go in thereat, their bossaloner, the isthmus
between logon didonai and quondam (pfuit! pfuit!).
Ostad ghaybi in Semnani. Concretize utopia, wotanist blot
rites as sumbel for a periplus. Certified DOD interrogators,
often in labile tempo, ritardandi or vintage libertads, confess
that it’s Maximus Angis who’s carnophallogocentric.
Masticate ongentilmensky with new molars, then bootstrap
the C runtime. Silkinlaine testimonies are DOS Header
magic number (e_magic == IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE).
From this Odic force, evangels hatch brood, hunt the stunt
with critical marks ƒ¹ 22 138 205 1110 1210 1221 al. (about 70
witnesses tot.) Take methedrine spansules, crossing
the equinoctial line, keshvar (orbis, zone). Faes poison jerryrigs.
No dainty dolce affettuoso. No protuberant Adam’s apple, l.efi.
Default darkmatter.plist comes as a reaper, his excellency long
vicefreegal seeks leetle mawnkey. On the one hand,
fiduciarity. The fixed xxtea key will propagate Old Norse
vindauga, scuttled by doc laggards. Line 913: printf(“[report]
Failed call socket()\n”), called Òthe Empty Quarter.
Ó 1. Launch the hydrophobe sponges. End moral tartufferie,
NWO plot and PeiUnlock exploit. Ibbur impregnates Kepi,
his blaufunx fustian ruling over helots. Harbinge glad,
reads the nameplate, Athanasius Pernath, subjects grammar
yield. Trust in the pledge’s stelliform, carpet motif as cant’s
Sieg Heil or B57UDIAG.exe -ppxe x:\ss.rom. Our Father,
the Diabolus, ontotheology encrypts faith. Which
bogus promissory note? Thetica’s ligand spike, preboots.
Exergue LXII
Oxus the Savior, the luciferant not the oriuolate,
suspended PID: 6020, Filename: C:\iSpy\iSpy.exe, mingles
with Sauron’s eye. Hazel not civit, both VMware adapters
are disabled. Des Tours de Babel, almost verbum pro
verbo, pearance as l’imprevu in the ma‘aseh. Good barrow
pushers, ascension is perihelion. DEPLOY_{target ID}_{ti
mestamp}/: top level directory as flow chants name
loyal sons. What phial? Amyl nitrate, be honnisoid, luces
victoriales, then counterphobia 550 garbles YHWH. Pierrot
Lunaire is plénipotentiaire, hires a exorcist, he a Pascalian
sacrifizio dell’intelletto. The watchman falls, {lp 2}/,
souse with spray, the aspirate H saying Sanctissimi Corporis
Satanas. A C D E 0233 ita, aur, b, d, e, f, ff², l, q, r¹ vg syrp, h
copbomss eth slav Diatessaron, enjoys the repartee. Ades
analyzed is Ad, Veni chant, will execute on each OS
X boot as superelite. A zaftik naffka, nothing but fressing, duc
de Fer’s two homonyms assfuck. What encaustic legcast?
Thetica tugs at her teats. Muem suproc mine tse cob.
Hail the meshuggenah with green eyeshade, mate errthors.
Line 921: entries = resolv_lookup(table_retrieve_val(TABLE_SC
AN_CB_DOMAIN, NULL)). In Mazdean dramaturgy,
cleavage along faults. Who’s siring a demonic brood on oily
lemonskins? Boosterism’s farrago does a selfuninstall. Run
the Loader (aka FirewallActiveAgent64) with the -u option.
60, fn.5a.983, constant drines in Hurqalya’s eighth
climate, cums on sprache. Here, the Rosae Crucis’ disclaimer
is a trusty snorler, affords the scopophobic they secrete.

Daniel Y. Harris is the author of 11 collections of poetry and collaborative writing including The Rapture of Eddy Daemon (BlazeVOX, 2016), heshe egregore (with Irene Koronas, Éditions du Cygne, 2016), The Underworld of Lesser Degrees (NYQ Books, 2015), Esophagus Writ (with Rupert M. Loydell, The Knives Forks and Spoons Press, 2014) and Hyperlinks of Anxiety (ÄŒervená Barva Press, 2013) Some of his poetry, experimental writing, art, and essays have been published in BlazeVOX, The Café Irreal, Denver Quarterly, E·ratio, European Judaism, Exquisite Corpse, Kerem, The New York Quarterly, Notre Dame Review, Offcourse Literary Journal, In Posse Review, The Pedestal Magazine, Poetry Magazine, Poetry Salzburg Review, Stride, Ygdrasil and Zeek. He is Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder of X-Peri and Co-Editor of the X-Peri Series.
John Lowther’s work appears in The Lattice Inside, (UNO Press 2012) Another South (U of Alabama 2003) and Stone, River, Sky (Negative Capability Press, 2015). Held to the Letter (with Dana Lisa Young) is forthcoming from Lavender Ink.