Oddity 11 is special because:
I managed to do it, as always
I have wonderful people in it, as always
I go nearer to my dream and open up countless possibilities with each new Odd, as always
Sometimes, it seems impossible to conceive that The Odd Magazine has come this far and gathered the adulation of so many odd people around. This only goes to prove, that the so called 'outsiders' are in fact the 'crowd', that the day we truly execute a 'workers' rebellion', the world will change for the better, that the mad raving people we stick up our noses at may indeed be whispering the sinister truth.
Welcome to Oddity 11.
Odd Poetry by Amitabh Vikram, Darren Demaree and Glen Armstrong; Odd Art by Bassam Al Hajali; Odd Review of 'what If I got down on my knees?' by Tony Rauch - reviewed by Sreemanti Sengupta; Odd Shorts by Brett Sainsbury and Winston P; Odd Interview of Marton Koppany by Sreemanti Sengupta. Also introducing Crooked Comics by Sreemanti Sengupta and Snigdhendu Bhattacharya.
To add to the roster of good news, I've just launched The Blog Book
www.theblogboook.wordpress.com. This is a all-artists portal where an open dialogue creates stories in the classic spin-the-yarn style. I appeal for all to participate and make the venture a success. Do like the Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/theblogboook
Stay wonderful. Stay Odd.
Sreemanti Sengupta
Odditor, The Odd Magazine

Artworks used for homepage graphics include:
"It is My English Not Me" and "Where" by Marton Koppany
Oil Paintings by Bassam Al Hajali