Sreemanti Sengupta, Odditor
Sreemanti Sengupta is an advertising copywriter from Kolkata. India. She loves writing in English and Bangla, which is her native language. She also loves unintentional brooding, sleeping, disobedience, impulsiveness, reading, talking out-of-turn/out-of-place, photography, painting, music and did I mention writing? She reads and writes whenever possible. Sreemanti’s work has been published on the online and print media.
You can reach her at sengupta.sreemanti@gmail.com
+91 9836576777
Snigdhendu Bhattacharya is a journalist who loves going off to villages on the slightest pretext. He is a well known art detective and is happiest when he spoils auctions and challenges fraudulent activities. He also writes admirably in Bangla and English and is at present carving out his debut non fiction on the Maoist movement in India, especially Bengal.
Reach him at snigdhendub@gmail.com
+91 9051996369
Snigdhendu Bhattacharya, Oddball

Artworks used for homepage graphics include:
"It is My English Not Me" and "Where" by Marton Koppany
Oil Paintings by Bassam Al Hajali