Art by Indranath Majumdar:
Kolkata based artist with multiple exhibitions nationally on the online medium. Has won acclaim and awards for his quintessential style. Write to indra_mdr@yahoo.co.in contact him on Facebook to connect and collect his exquisite work. Keep art alive.

Phuque Book

Catfish McDaris’ best readings were in Paris at the Shakespeare and Co. Bookstore and with Jimmy"the ghost of Hendrix"Spencer in NYC on 42nd St. His work has recently been translated into French, Polish, Swedish, Arabic, Bengali, Tagalog, and Esperanto. His 25 years of published material is in the Special Archives Collection at Marquette Univ. in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Xavier was considered a geek by most. He preferred it that way, while laughing all the way to the bank. Ninety percent of the adult population had purchased one of his inventions at one time or another. Xavier liked to fly under the radar. He made Frosty the Snowman look like the devil in a blue dress with alligator sneakers. In gas stations, truck stops, bars, taverns, and cantinas his inventions were dispensed from vending machines. At grocery and drug stores his products were sold in larger quantities. His first invention was called, Instant Pussy (a small foam foldable cat in a condom like wrapper), it was nothing more than a cheap gimmick. Later he discovered a way to insert a masturbation hole and doubled the price. The new and improved Instant Pussy was a huge hit. X's second big seller was flavored ribbed condoms; chocolate cherry, vanilla cinnamon, bacon and lettuce, garlic pickle, fried chicken, buttered popcorn, and pepperoni pizza. He kept surprising the public with more far out flavors. Soon he had more money than he could spend in many lifetimes. Then he watched the movie about the creator of face book, his mind exploded with an idea. Xavier could not sleep, he paced like a captured Bengal tiger, his mind on fire with creativity. He hired the three top experts in the world of computer technology, providing them with equipment and a state of the art laboratory. For six months they slaved over equations and conquered all seemingly insurmountable odds. Finally they were successful in creating the most fantastic voyage of mankind: PHUQUE BOOK. Anyone anywhere in the world could have safe sex with anyone else, for a nominal fee of course. Xavier cut each of the three experts in for a percentage of the profits. He kept the lion's share, married a lady from Mozambique, bought an island and was almost never heard from again. He came forward only once more to receive his Nobel Peace prize and donate his entire fortune to the NAACP.
Wilhelm’s Job

Here is a photo taken recently at the Governor’s Costume Ball.
As you can see the author (left) and his cousin Jerome are both dressed as Elsa from “Frozen”.
Due to a shortness of memory Doug Mathewson can recall nothing about himself but the obvious, and even that is unclear.
Apparently he is a writer living on the Atlantic coast half way between the kingdoms alf New York and Boston.
Most recently his work has appeared in The Boston Literary Magazine, riverbabble, Virtual Verse, Right Hand Pointing, and Jersey Devil.
Since Wilhelm was the oldest, his job was wiping snot from Grandfather’s great walrus like mustache. Wilhelm often waited until long drooping strands were dangling off
Grandfathers chin. Grandfather did not care for Wilhelm. Wilhelm did not care for Grandfather.
Gretchen, the youngest, just knew in her heart she’d knife the old man before she’d take over Wilhelm’s job. She stabbing Grandfather would make their mother very sad Gretchen knew, so she daydreamed about burning their little house down while everyone was asleep.
Wilhelm’s middle sister, Little Martha, told all this to the blind man who sold postcards in front of the Cathedral. They were close friends. Little Martha picked out all the postcards that he sold. She told him they were religious paintings by Renaissance Masters depicting Saints, Holy Miracles, and Bible stories.
They were actually photos naked muscle men. The pictures were well done, Mediterranean sunshine gave a warm tone to the oiled bodies of these young men.
Most often they posed to display their striking physiques. Sometimes they were kissing or just holding hands.
Waving at me?

Walking past the local health club, I stop to peer through the large window that I know looks in on the swimming pool. There are about a dozen people standing in the water and when they see me they all raise their right hand and wave. I wave back. Then they all raise their left hand and wave again. I wave, and continue on my way, happy to have made contact with so many friendly people. It is only later that I realize they were not waving at me. I happened to have looked in on a water exercising class.
Stephen Poleskie is a writer and an artist. His writing has appeared in journals worldwide, and in the anthology The Book of Love. He has published seven novels. His artworks are in the collections of numerous museums. He has taught at Cornell University. Poleskie lives in the USA. website: www.StephenPoleskie.com